cemetery poetry, graveyard, kerkof, kerkop, ksetra, Makam Sesat Ilmu Hitam, petakan, puisi astana, puisi bangku kuliah, puisi chimenk, puisi cimeng, puisi ganja, puisi jamu, puisi jumat kliwon, puisi jurusan geofisika, puisi kain kafan, puisi kangguru, puisi kero kero keroppi, puisi kuburan, puisi kuntilanak, puisi mahasiswa, puisi mati, puisi narkoba, puisi nasi goreng, puisi overdosis, puisi pesugihan, puisi pocong, puisi pohon perdu, puisi primbon, puisi ritual, puisi sabu-sabu, puisi sinetron, puisi syaiton, puisi tali pocong, puisi universitas, puisi weton, saren.
Pengertian Pocong
Pocong adalah sejenis hantu yang berwujud guling. Di Malaysia, hantu semacam ini dikenal pula sebagai hantu bungkus.
Penggambaran pocong bervariasi. Dikatakan, pocong memiliki wajah berwarnah hijau dengan mata yang kosong. Penggambaran lain menyatakan, pocong berwajah "rata" dan memiliki lubang mata berongga atau tertutup kapas dengan wajah putih pucat. Mereka yang percaya akan adanya hantu ini beranggapan, pocong merupakan bentuk "protes" dari si mati yang terlupa dibuka ikatan kafannya sebelum kuburnya ditutup. Meskipun di film-film pocong sering digambarkan bergerak melompat-lompat, mitos tentang pocong malah menyatakan pocong bergerak melayang-layang. Hal ini bisa dimaklumi, sebab di film-film pemeran pocong tidak bisa menggerakkan kakinya sehingga berjalannya harus melompat-lompat. Keadaan ini pula yang menimbulkan suatu pernyataan yang biasa dipakai untuk membedakan pocong asli dan pocong palsu di masyarakat:
Kepercayaan akan adanya hantu pocong hanya berkembang di Indonesia, terutama di Jawa dan Sumatera. Walaupun penggambarannya mengikuti tradisi muslim, umat beragama lain pun ternyata dapat mengakui eksistensi hantu ini.
Pocong sering kali mewarnai cerpen atau roman bertema komedi. Dalam sinema nasional Indonesia bergenre komedi, pocong bahkan sering kali dihadirkan. Beberapa bahkan menggunakannya sebagai judul.
Dalam parade ondel-ondel sebelum perayaan Natal di Afrika, umpamanya, wujud pocong kerap diwujudkan, biasanya oleh kelompok masyarakat non-Hindu.
Pocong dalam sinema Indonesia
Pocong (2005), tidak lolos sensor BSF.
Pocong 2 (2006).
Pocong 3 (2007).
The Real Pocong (2009).
40 Hari Bangkitnya Pocong
Sumpah (ini) Pocong
The Meaning of Pocong
A pocong is an Indonesian/Malaysian ghost that is said to be the soul of a dead person trapped in its shroud. Known in Indonesia/Malaysia as kain kafan, the shroud is the prescribed length of cloth used in Muslim burials to wrap the body of the dead person. The dead body is covered in white fabric tied over the head, under the feet, and on the neck.
According to traditional beliefs, the soul of a dead person will stay on the earth for 40 days after the death. When the ties aren't released after 40 days, the body is said to jump out from the grave to warn people that the soul need the bonds to be released. After the ties are released, the soul will leave the earth and never show up anymore. Because of the tie under the feet, the ghost can't walk. This causes the pocong to hop.
Popular culture
Pocongs often appear in religion-based movies or TV serials. In the early 2000s (decade), TV stations in Indonesia purported to capture ghost appearances with their cameras and put the records on a specific show of their own. In these shows, the Pocong appearances could be seen very often, along with the kuntilanak. There was also a movie Pocong (2006) directed by Rudy Soedjarwo, which was banned and censored in French and German DVD versions due to the disturbing, scary scenes. Not long after it was banned, the director created a sequel less horrible but about the same story, Pocong 2 (2006). Other titles Pocong 3 (2007), The Real Pocong (2009), 40 Hari Bangkitnya Pocong (2008) were introduced in the movie series in theaters in Indonesia.
Movie Pocong Jumat Kliwon, directed by successful director Nayato Fio Nuala, began a trend of horror comedy Pocong movies. In 2011 Poconggg Juga Pocong, a new horror-comedy featuring Pocong, was made by female director Chiska Doppert, Nayato's former partner.
Other recent movies featuring Pocong are Sumpah, (Ini) Pocong! (2009), Pocong Setan Jompo (2009) and Kepergok Pocong (2011).
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