Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Puisi Golf



golf poetry, komisi pemberantasan korupsi, Matematika Probabilitas Jerat Caddy Seksi, ou caddie ou cadet, puisi antasari azhar, puisi atlet, puisi bendera penunjuk lubang, puisi birdie, puisi caddie, puisi caddy, puisi golf, puisi gratifikasi, puisi hotel, puisi kedi, puisi klub golf, puisi kpk, puisi maksiat, puisi pejabat, puisi pembunuhan, puisi pemuas syahwat, puisi pemulus proyek, puisi perangkap pasir, puisi puting, puisi rani juliani, puisi sesat, puisi suap, puisi suvenir, puisi tiger woods

Pengertian Caddy

Kedi (bahasa Inggris: caddy atau caddie) adalah orang yang bekerja membawakan tas berisi peralatan pemain golf, sekaligus memberi saran tentang permainan serta dukungan moral untuk pemain yang dilayaninya. Kedi yang pandai harus menguasai peraturan permainan golf, seluk-beluk padang golf dan strategi bermain yang sesuai. Selain itu, kedi dituntut memiliki pengetahuan tentang jarak antarlubang dan pemilihan tongkat golf yang sesuai. Pemain golf amatir maupun profesional tidak jarang memulai profesinya sebagai kedi.


Istilah kedi (caddy) berasal dari bahasa Skotandia, caddie yang kemungkinan diambil dari bahasa Perancis le cadet (anak lelaki, atau anak paling kecil dalam keluarga). Dalam bahasa Inggris, kata cadet muncul di kamus tahun 1610, sedangkan kata caddie/cadie muncul tidak lama sesudahnya pada tahun 1634. Di Skotlandia, kata caddie awalnya berarti anak lelaki yang menjadi pesuruh.

Tugas kedi

Tugas utama kedi adalah membawa tas pemain dan memungut bola pemain. Selain itu, kedi juga bertanggung jawab membersihkan tongkat dan memperbaiki bekas pukulan pada bola golf, membersihkan halangan di perangkap pasir, mengangkat bendera penunjuk lubang, dan memberi pujian kepada pemain. Kedi berpengalaman dituntut bisa membaca situasi lapangan, keadaan cuaca dan arah angin, serta membantu pemilihan tongkat golf.

Sewaktu bekerja, kedi harus terus awas dan berhati-hati. Penalti akibat kesalahan kedi dibebankan ke skor pegolf. Kedi harus paham benar peraturan permainan golf, dan jumlah maksimum tongkat golf yang boleh dibawa di dalam kejuaraan. Seorang kedi bernama Miles Byrne yang mendampingi Ian Woosnam dalam di ronde final turnamen PGA Tour lupa menghitung tongkat golf yang dibawanya di dalam tas. Kesalahannya membuat skor Woosnam mendapat tambahan dua pukulan penalti, dan akibatnya hanya selesai di urutan ketiga.

The Meaning of Caddy

In golf, a caddy (or caddie) is the person who carries a player’s bag and clubs, and gives insightful advice and moral support. A good caddy is aware of the challenges and obstacles of the golf course being played, along with the best strategy in playing it. This includes knowing overall yardage, pin placements and club selection. A caddy is not usually an employee of a private club or resort. They are classified as an “independent contractor,” meaning that he or she is basically self-employed and does not receive any benefits from his association with the club. Some clubs and resorts do have caddy programs, although benefits are rarely offered. Particularly in Europe, the vast majority of clubs do not offer caddies, and amateur players will commonly carry or pull their own bags.

Types of caddying

Traditional caddying involves both the golfer and the caddy walking the course. The caddy is in charge of carrying the player’s bag, and walks ahead of the golfer to locate his ball and calculate the yardage to the pin and/or hazards. This is the most common method used in golf clubs and is the only method allowed in the PGA (Professional Golf Association) and LPGA (Ladies Professional Golf Association). The three ups of caddying are show up, shut up, and keep up.

Fore-Caddying entails the caddy walking while the players ride in carts. The fore-caddy will give a hole description and then walk ahead to spot the players tee shots. The caddy then gets the players yardage (either with a laser, course knowledge, or sprinkler heads) while the players drive their carts from the tee to their shots. The caddy walks ahead again to spot the golfers next shots. This process is continued until the players reach the green. Once on the green the caddy will read greens (if asked per proper golf etiquette), clean golf balls (if asked), fix ball marks, and attend the flag if asked. The caddy is also responsible for raking traps on the course. Caddies will help with club selection, reading greens, weather variables, and marking balls on the green but should only do so if asked to by the player. More than anything else, the caddy is there to make the player’s round enjoyable by taking care of menial tasks, speeding up play, and providing mental support if asked.

Pengertian Golf

Golf adalah permainan luar ruang yang dimainkan secara perorangan atau tim yang berlomba memasukkan bola ke dalam lubang-lubang yang ada di lapangan dengan jumlah pukulan tersedikit mungkin. Bola golf dipukul dengan menggunakan satu set tongkat pemukul yang disebut klab (stik golf). Golf adalah salah satu dari permainan yang tidak memiliki lapangan permainan yang standar, melainkan dimainkan di padang golf yang masing-masing memiliki desain unik, dan biasanya terdiri dari 9 atau 18 hole (lubang). Aturan utama dalam golf adalah “memainkan sebuah bola dengan stik golf dari daerah tee (teeing ground) ke dalam lubang dengan satu pukulan atau beberapa pukulan berikutnya sesuai dengan Aturan”.

The Meaning of Golf

Golf is a precision club and ball sport in which competing players (or golfers) use various clubs to hit balls into a series of holes on a course using as few strokes as possible. Golf is defined, in the rules of golf, as “playing a ball with a club from the teeing ground into the hole by a stroke or successive strokes in accordance with the Rules.”

It is one of the few ball games that do not require a standardised playing area. Instead, the game is played on a course, in general consisting of an arranged progression of either nine or 18 holes. Each hole on the course must contain a tee box to start from, and a putting green containing the actual hole. There are various other standardised forms of terrain in between, such as the fairway, rough, and hazards, but each hole on a course, and indeed among virtually all courses, is unique in its specific layout and arrangement.

Golf competition is generally played for the lowest number of strokes by an individual, known simply as stroke play, or the lowest score on the most individual holes during a complete round by an individual or team, known as match play. Stroke play is the most commonly seen format at virtually all levels of play, although variations of match play, such as “skins” games, are also seen in televised events. Other forms of scoring also exist.

Pangertosan Golf

Golf iku dolanan njaban ruwang sing dimainké sacara dhèwèkan utawa tim sing lomba nglebokaké bal menyang njero bolongan-bolongan sing ana ing lapangan kanthi gunggung thuthukan paling sithik. Bal golf dithuthuk kanthi migunakaké sak sèt tongkat panuthuk sing diarani klab (stik golf). Golf iku salah siji saka dolanan sing ora duwé lapangan dolanan sing standar, nanging dimainké ing padhang golf sing saben padhang duwé désain unik, lan biasané kapérang saka 9 utawa 18 hole (bolongan). Aturan utama jroning golf yaiku “mainké sawijining bal mawa stik golf saka dhaérah tee (teeing ground) menyang njero bolongan kanthi sakthuthukan utawa sapérangan thuthukan sabanjuré selaras karo aturan”.

Takfiran Golf

Golf adalah satu sukan di mana pemain mengguna pelbagai jenis kelab termasuk kayu, besi-besi, dan putters, mencuba untuk memukul bola ke setiap lubang dalam padang golf dalam jumlah pukulan terendah.


Asal usul golf tidak jelas dan terbuka untuk berdebat bagaimanapun teori sejarah golf yang banyak diterima adalah golf (sebagai dipraktikkan hari ini) berasal Scotland dalam abad yang ke-12, dengan penggembala kambing mengetuk batu ke lubang arnab di tempat di mana Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews terkenal kini terletak.

Para sarjana pernah mendakwa rujukan untuk bentuk golf daripada hiroglif berasaskan tablet batu bertarikh untuk Mesir purba Pharaohs. Chui Wan (“chui” atau 捶 bermaksud memukul dan “wan” atau 丸 bermaksud bola kecil dalam Cina), satu permainan mengandungi menolak bola dengan batang ke lubang dalam tanah, mula-mula disebut dalam Dōngxuān Records

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