Friday, 22 August 2014

Puisi Babi Ngepet

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Pengertian Babi Ngepet

Babi ngepet adalah mahluk dalam legenda masyarakat Indonesia yang bercerita tentang siluman babi. Beberapa mitos menceritakan tentang babi ngepet yang merupakan orang yang ingin kaya dengan cara mengambil pesugihan babi. Saat akan "beraksi", si tuan harus mengenakan jubah hitam untuk menutupi tubuhnya. Dan nanti, secara ajaib, si tuan akan berubah menjadi babi. Orang yang satu lagi harus menjaga lilin agar tidak goyang apinya. Apabila api lilin sudah mulai goyang, artinya orang yang menjadi babi itu mulai dalam bahaya. Tugas si penjaga lilin adalah mematikan lilinnya agar si babi dapat berubah kembali menjadi manusia biasa. Babi ngepet biasanya mengambil uang dengan cara menggesek-gesekkan tubuhnya di pintu lemari, dsb.

The Meaning Of Babi Ngepet

Babi Ngepet is a boar or swine demon in Javanese mythology.

According to local myth, the creature is believed to be the manifestation of a person practising pesugihan babi black magic. Pesugihan is derived from the Javanese word sugih meaning "rich". It is a kind of magic to help people become rich instantly, but in exchange he or she must sacrifice something, in this case they must sacrifice their humanity; allow themselves to be transformed into a boar for a period of time, or that they allow themselves to be possessed by a boar demon. The human-animal transformation is similar to shapeshifting or the werewolf concept in the West.

Some of the myths told about a man enveloped in black robes before miraculously turning into this creature. After the transformation, the boar demon roams around the village, scratching its body against the wall, door, cupboard, or furniture. Magically the belongings of the villagers, such as money, gold, and jewellery will disappear and magically carried away by the Babi Ngepet. If the mission was successful, when the Babi Ngepet safely returns home and transforms back into human form, the black robes will be filled with the stolen money or jewellery.

The person that practices Babi Ngepet black magic needs assistance from another person. The assistant's task is to stay home and guard the lit candle floating on a basin of water, while the Babi Ngepet is in action. If the fire on the candle is shaking, fading or almost out, it is the sign that the Babi Ngepet is in danger, caught in the act by villagers, or turned back into his human form. Because of this belief, Javanese villagers often chase or even kill any boar or pig wandering around the village at night.

The skeptical view is that it was probably a traditional way to explain the unexplainable loss of fortune or a mysterious theft in the village, by blaming the wild boar roaming the village in the night. Or probably it was a means of traditional pest-control; to get rid of wild boar from eating and destroying rice fields or barns. The association of boar or pig with magic concerning fortune probably originated from Javanese pre-Islamic and pre-Hindu-Buddhist beliefs that associate the boar or pig with domestic richness, fortune and prosperity, similar to its connections with ancient Javanese piggy bank.

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