Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Puisi Alay

cemungudh, ciyus miapah, Menyingkap Tabir Kode Davinci, puisi ababil, puisi abg, puisi abg labil, puisi alay, puisi anak esempe, puisi autis, puisi cowboy, puisi eksis, puisi eyd, puisi funky, puisi gahol, puisi gaul, puisi jijay, puisi kamseupay, puisi khong guan, puisi lebay, puisi narsis, puisi ngetrend, puisi polyglot, puisi sudirboy, puisi sudirman, puisi superboy.

Pengertian Alay

Alay adalah sebuah istilah yang merujuk pada sebuah fenomena perilaku remaja di Indonesia."Alay" merupakan singkatan dari "anak layangan"atau "anak lebay".Istilah ini merupakan stereotipe yang menggambarkan gaya hidup norak atau kampungan. Selain itu, alay merujuk pada gaya yang dianggap berlebihan (lebay) dan selalu berusaha menarik perhatian.Seseorang yang dikategorikan alay umumnya memiliki perilaku unik dalam hal bahasa dan gaya hidup.Dalam gaya bahasa, terutama bahasa tulis, alay merujuk pada kesenangan remaja menggabungkan huruf besar-huruf kecil, menggabungkan huruf dengan angka dan simbol, atau menyingkat secara berlebihan. Dalam gaya bicara, mereka berbicara dengan intonasi dan gaya yang berlebihan.Di Filipina terdapat fenomena yang mirip, sering disebut sebagai Jejemon.

Alay merupakan sekelompok minoritas yang mempunyai karakterisitik unik di mana penampilan dan bahasa yang mereka gunakan terkadang menyilaukan mata dan menyakitkan telinga bagi mayoritas yang tidak terbiasa bersosialisasi dengannya. Biasanya para Alayers (panggilan para Alay) mempunyai trend busana tersendiri yang dapat menyebar cepat layaknya wabah virus dikalangan para Alayers yang lain, sehingga menciptakan satu keseragaman bentuk yang sedikit tidak lazim.[butuh rujukan] Namun juga memiliki aturan huruf tersendiri, yaitu para alayers hanya diperbolehkan memakai 13 abjad huruf saja. Sisanya angka dan simbol.

The Meaning Of Alay

Alay (or 4L4Y, Anak Layangan or Anak Lebay) is a pop culture phenomenon -It is a stereotype describing something “tacky” and “cheesy” norak or kampungan. The Alay culture phenomena spans over a wide array of styles in music, dress, and messaging. It has often been compared to that of the Jejemon phenomenon originating from the Philippines, and also the Swag[disambiguation needed] phenomenon. Although, the former emerged much later and the latter was even admired in the west.


The word "Alay" or "Alayen" has no exact meaning or obvious derivation. Various definitions of alay are offered when one types it on a search engine. One theory that is widely accepted is that "Alay" is a portmanteau of the term "Anak Layangan" (Indonesian: Kiteflyer), a pejorative describing someone having certain physical attributes from spending most of their time outside and getting sunburnt (e.g. reddened hair and skin). Also kite is considered as cheap entertainment to the middle and lower class in modern Indonesia, stereotyping alay as a part of that class.

Writing Style

Alay text (Indonesian:Tulisan alay ) is a form of the Indonesian language that has undergone "excessive leet transformation". Contrary to the popular belief that it is "destroying" the national language, grammatical standards are met in contrast to the modern Indonesian slang language. Similar to the jejebets, alay texts offer an alternative in compressing words so that they are under the 160 character-limit in text messages, often to the point that they are impossible to read. Rules in capitalization are mostly ignored.

Alay text may have originated from the method of making strong passwords for internet accounts, which requires combinations of small and capital letters, numbers, as well as special characters. Normally, to keep the password meaningful and easy to remember, the password would consist of normal words, where some letters are capitalised or substituted with numbers (e.g. the letter a with 4, the letter o with 0). Soon this becomes a habit in writing text in general, and improved with mixing English and Indonesian in one sentence.

Confusing text that could not be understood properly and probably has no meaning (except for the writer), is also considered as Alay Text. This type of text usually contains information of the writer's mood and feeling, it is also common for the text to contain the writer's own philosophy on a certain topic such as : love, heart break, and relationship.

According to The Jakarta Post, a high school student from East Java initiated the trend and shot to fame after her writings were discussed in forums and blogs not because they were great, but they were in "code". Her approach in writing attracted a lot of attention, with some people reproducing her writing in forums and blogs.

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